Thursday, 20 January 2011

Departure - 18th Jan 2011

Up at the relatively obscene hour of 2am for the drive from hereford to heathrow. Uneventful trip aside from poor Heath getting travel sick in the back seat and puking on her blanket – she was attempting to sleep so she would be more awake when driving Donna’s car back after dropping us off.
We boarded on time, then proceeded to sit on the tarmac for over 4 hours due to fog in Madrid. We arrived mid-afternoon to a nightmare of queuing – to get our tickets changed, to get into the shuttle bus, to get into the hotel – but like most systems, once you are inside it is much easier (that’s the way The Man likes it).  
We actually ended up getting a decent night’s sleep and in retrospect it meant we were better prepared for arriving in noisy, messy Lima. It was great to pick up El Pais and start up the long, long hill of spanish fluency - my mini-dictionary is already becoming well-thumbed...

1 comment:

  1. Work it Dogsy. Say hi to Laura for me. Safe travels homes. Crucial, Rohan
